Squirrel Roof Invasion

Managing a Persistent Squirrel Infestation: A Homeowner’s Struggle and Expert Resolution

Squirrel infestations can be a challenging and persistent problem for homeowners, as one El Dorado Hills resident discovered firsthand. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the story of a homeowner who initially attempted a do-it-yourself (DIY) approach to tackle a squirrel invasion, only to realize the need for professional intervention. We’ll explore how Thomas…

Thomas Wildlife Preventing Rodent Nests

What happens when a raccoon or rodent makes a nest in the structure of your home, and how can Thomas Wildlife Control help you remove these rodents and restore your home?

Have you ever been surprised by a wild animal sheltering in your home? Rodents, raccoons, and other wild animals can cause significant damage when they reside in your structure. Not only that, but these creatures are also potentially hazardous to the health of both humans and pets. If you face a wildlife pest problem, it…