bats in attic

Choosing the Right Provider: Understanding the Need for Pest Control or Wildlife Control Services

When faced with unwanted intrusions in your home, it’s crucial to determine whether you need the expertise of a pest control company or a wildlife control company. Each type of service specializes in different aspects of pest management and animal removal, catering to specific needs and situations. Understanding the differences between these services, their approaches,…

squirrel in attic el dorado hills

Safeguard Your Home: The Tale of Paul and the Squirrel in the Attic

Have you ever been startled by faint scratching in your attic, starting subtly but growing increasingly persistent? If so, you’re not alone. Meet Paul, a homeowner who recently found himself in just such a situation. His experience underscores the importance of promptly addressing wildlife intrusions and highlights the value of professional assistance in handling these…

Squirrel Roof Invasion

Managing a Persistent Squirrel Infestation: A Homeowner’s Struggle and Expert Resolution

Squirrel infestations can be a challenging and persistent problem for homeowners, as one El Dorado Hills resident discovered firsthand. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the story of a homeowner who initially attempted a do-it-yourself (DIY) approach to tackle a squirrel invasion, only to realize the need for professional intervention. We’ll explore how Thomas…

Unearthing Nature’s Mischief: Behind the Scenes with Brandon of Thomas Wildlife Control & Roofing

The gentle rustling of leaves and the distant sound of a woodpecker’s rhythmic tapping are usually welcome sounds of nature, but what happens when these natural symphonies find their way into the very structure of your home? Enter Brandon from Thomas Wildlife Control & Roofing, a seasoned expert in wildlife management and roof repair solutions.…

Solving the Squirrel Saga: Brandon of Thomas Wildlife Control & Roofing Comes to the Rescue

Are you hearing strange rustling sounds in your attic? Or perhaps you’ve noticed odd debris and damage around your home? Well, you’re not alone. Homeowners often find themselves facing unexpected challenges when it comes to wildlife intrusions. In our latest video, we follow Brandon from Thomas Wildlife Control & Roofing as he tackles a unique…